The Forrest Research Foundation

Scholarship Conditions [F70996]

Scholarship Conditions [F70996]The Forrest Research Foundation (‘the Foundation’) at The University of Western Australia was established in 2014 following the donation of $65 million, over 10 years, by Andrew and Nicola Forrest, through the Minderoo Foundation. Their donation is to assist Western Australia in becoming a world-class centre of research and innovation through attracting the next generation of outstanding intellects to Western Australia.

The Forrest Research Foundation Scholarships are provided to encourage and assist outstanding international and domestic students to undertake high-quality research and enrol in a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree at a Western Australian university.

Forrest Scholars will be persons of exceptional ability and resourcefulness, having the highest calibre of academic achievement and with potential to make a positive difference to the world. They will help build world-class innovation capacity in Western Australia.

The scholarship is to be held in conjunction with an Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) Stipend, or equivalent postgraduate research scholarship, awarded by the enrolling university. International students will also be awarded an Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) International Fees Offset or equivalent university international fee scholarship, awarded by the enrolling university. The scholarship is established and awarded in accordance with the conditions governing the RTP Scholarships except as set as out below.

Scholarship Conditions

1. Title:
Forrest Research Foundation Scholarships. Awardees will be known as “Forrest Scholars”.

2. Governed by:
The constitution of the Forrest Research Foundation of The University of Western Australia (see and the relevant policy governing scholarships at the enrolling university.

3. Purpose:
To encourage and assist outstanding international and domestic students to undertake high-quality research and enrol in a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree at one of the following Western Australian universities:
– Curtin University
– Edith Cowan University
– Murdoch University
– The University of Notre Dame Australia (Fremantle Campus)
– The University of Western Australia

4. Value:
(1) All Forrest Scholars will receive a scholarship package which includes:

– an Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) Stipend or equivalent university postgraduate research scholarship stipend valued at a minimum of $32,192 per annum in 2024 and indexed annually, or a higher value to be determined by the enrolling university; and
– an accommodation allowance valued at $24,128 per annum in 2024 and subject to annual indexation. The allowance is available to cover the accommodation costs of a studio apartment at Forrest Hall or to contribute to the cost of other residential accommodation approved by the Foundation (see Clause 12); and
– a research and travel allowance of up to $12,000. The research and travel allowance is available for approved research-related expenses; overseas research and conference travel.
– a one-off relocation allowance of up to $10,000, including economy airfares to Perth.

(2) International Forrest Scholars will also receive an Australian Government International Research Training Program (RTP) Fees Offset Scholarship or equivalent university international fee scholarship which covers the full international tuition fees and overseas student health cover.

(3) Domestic Forrest Scholars will receive an Australian Government Domestic Research Training Program (RTP) Fees Offset Scholarship which provides exemption from the requirement to pay tuition fees for the duration of the scholarship.

5. Method of payment:
– Research Training Program (RTP) Stipend or equivalent university stipend payments are made in fortnightly instalments through the university’s payroll system.
– International Research Training Program (RTP) Fees Offset Scholarships or equivalent university international fee scholarships cover the international tuition fees and overseas student health cover.
– The accommodation allowance will be provided by the Forrest Research Foundation to cover the costs of a studio apartment in Forrest Hall. If a scholar has been granted a residency exemption by the Governors of the Forrest Research Foundation (see Clause 12), the accommodation allowance will be provided by the Forrest Research Foundation to the enrolling university for distribution to the scholar.
– The research and travel allowance will be administered by the enrolling university and available to the awardee upon application. Claims must be submitted, with receipts for all expenditure, during the tenure of the scholarship.

6. Duration of Scholarship:
The duration of the Forrest Research Foundation Scholarship is up to four years, but is conditional on the scholarship holder making satisfactory progress, as detailed in the RTP Scholarship conditions. Therefore:
1) The scholarship is awarded for an initial period of three years.
2) Scholarship holders may apply for an extension of scholarship tenure of up to 12 months, by applying for two sets of six-month extensions (one at a time).
3) Extensions are subject to satisfactory progress, and provided the grounds for extension are related to delays in the progress of the research and are beyond the control of the student.
4) A second six-month extension will not be approved if work has not progressed during the first extension.
5) Because an RTP Stipend cannot be extended beyond 3.5 years, the stipend and accommodation component of the second six-month extension will be equivalent to what the Forrest Scholar would have received under their previous arrangements (and will be borne entirely by the Forrest Research Foundation).

7. Concurrent scholarships:
The scholarship package may only be held concurrently with any other scholarship or award that provides for tuition fees, stipend or accommodation with the explicit approval of the Forrest Research Foundation.

8. Eligibility requirements:
(1) To be eligible to apply for a Forrest Research Foundation Scholarship, an applicant must–

a) have applied for PhD enrolment as an internal student based at a Western Australian campus of one of the five specified Western Australian universities;
b) not have been enrolled in the proposed PhD or previously undertaken research towards a PhD or other research doctorate;
c) have a bachelor’s degree of First Class Honours standard or equivalent;
d) be intending to reside at Forrest Hall. (Exemptions to this residency requirement may be considered by the Governors of the Forrest Research Foundation); and
e) be eligible to enrol full-time at a Western Australian university by the date of commencement of the scholarship.

(2) To be eligible to take up a Forrest Research Foundation Scholarship an awardee must –
a) have been offered and accepted the following scholarships;
i. a Research Training Program (RTP) Stipend or equivalent university postgraduate research scholarship stipend awarded by the enrolling university, and;
ii. for an international awardee, an International Research Training Program (RTP) Fees Offset Scholarship or equivalent university international fee scholarship, awarded by the enrolling university.
b) be enrolled full-time in the PhD by the commencement date of the scholarship;
c) be residing in Forrest Hall from the commencement of the scholarship, unless an exemption from this residency requirement has been granted by the Governors of the Foundation (see Clause 12); and,
d) agree to reporting their academic progress to the Forrest Research Foundation Director each year.

9. Application procedure:
(1) Applications are called for by the Forrest Research Foundation and must be submitted by the advertised closing date.

(2) Applications must include the following documentation in order to be considered –
a) A completed online application form submitted through the Forrest Research Foundation Scholarships website;
b) A Curriculum Vitae;
c) Copies of academic transcripts;
d) Contact details for three referees (two or more academic referees (required) and one personal referee (optional));
e) A photograph of the applicant.

10. Selection criteria:
Applications will be assessed by the Forrest Research Foundation Selection Committee on the basis of each applicant’s –
a) academic achievements;
b) exceptional ability, resourcefulness, and resilience;
c) originality and significance of proposed research;
d) ability to communicate their passion for research; and
e) desire to use research to have a positive impact on Western Australia and the wider world.

11. Selection process:
The selection of applicants will be undertaken by the Selection Committee of the Forrest Research Foundation having regard to applicants’ academic records, completed applications and supporting documentation. The Selection Committee will interview short-listed applicants. The Forrest Research Foundation Selection Committee will refer Scholars to the Forrest Research Foundation Board of Governors for endorsement.

12. Residency:
Scholarship awardees are expected to enrol as internal students and reside at Forrest Hall. Exemptions from this residency requirement may be considered by the Governors of the Forrest Research Foundation.

13. Transfer of award:
(1) Applications to transfer the scholarship to another school within the enrolling university are subject to approval by the Forrest Research Foundation on the recommendation of the enrolling university.

(2) If unforeseen and exceptional circumstances arise (such as the supervisor leaving the university and no suitable replacement being available) a recipient may request the transfer of the scholarship to one of the five specified Western Australian universities –
a) applications to transfer the scholarship and enrolment to another university are subject to approval by the Forrest Research Foundation on the recommendation of the enrolling university; and,
b) the recipient must receive and accept an offer of a place in a PhD at one of the five specified Western Australian universities.

(3) The transfer of an award is not sufficient grounds for a subsequent extension of award, other than through the approval of the Forrest Research Foundation.

14. Publications:
Every student who has received a Forrest Research Foundation Scholarship and Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) Fees Offset Scholarship Support is required to acknowledge this support in their thesis. When at any time during or after completion of the PhD, the scholarship holder, his/her supervisor or any other party, publishes or produces materials such as books, articles, newsletter or other literacy or artistic works which relate to the research project carried out by the scholarship holder, the publication must acknowledge that the research was carried out while the author was in receipt of a “Forrest Research Foundation Scholarship and Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship”.

15. File number:

16. Donor:
Andrew and Nicola Forrest

17. Selection committee:
The Forrest Research Foundation Selection Committee

18. Administered by:
The Forrest Research Foundation and the enrolling university.

19. Year scholarship(s) first offered:

20. Period of funding:
The scholarship fund is held in perpetuity.

21. Date established: