The Forrest Research Foundation

Creative and Performance Fellowships


The Forrest Research Foundation Creative and Performance Leadership Fellowships are designed to offer a new route through which to nurture the creative talents and research leadership skills of those working in the creative and performing arts sector.

Part of the Forrest Fellowship and Scholarship schemes, these awards seek to harness the imaginative, creative, embodied and practical skills of creative/performing arts practitioners in order to generate high impact outcomes and research initiatives that will result in social, cultural and health benefits to the wider community. The Forrest Foundation is particularly interested in enhancing the quality and reputation of the Western Australian performing arts sector.

Rather than focus on individual performance skill development, this award emphasises the importance of leadership through community endeavour via the application of creative/performing arts initiatives through research inquiry, as a means of enhancing social cohesion, health and wellbeing, education, and environmental sustainability. However, it is expected that awardees will further develop and enhance their research skills in the planned program of work.


The Forrest Research Foundation will provide funding for:

  • Salary
    • Appointment for 2 years at a Western Australian university, at salary Level A, Step 8 (approx. $108,362 per annum) plus 17% superannuation
  • Accommodation supplement
    • An accommodation allowance of $24,144 per annum in 2024 (subject to marginal tax rate) to contribute to cost of accommodation in self-contained apartment at Forrest Hall
  • Research and travel allowance
    • A once-off research and travel allowance of up to $12,000. This allowance is available for approved research-related expenses, overseas research and conference travel. 
  • Relocation allowance
    • All interstate and international Fellows can apply for a relocation allowance, including an economy airfare to Perth, which can be discussed with the Director if successful.

Our Creative Fellows

Alexander Turley
Alex Turley is an Australian composer and collaborative artist whose music is performed around the world. In 2022 he was Young Composer-in-Residence...
Dr Andrea Rassell
The temporal representation of dynamic nanoscale phenomena in the moving image
Andrea Rassell is a filmmaker, media artist and interdisciplinary researcher in science art. Working in nanoart — artforms that engage with...
Dr Cassandra Tytler
Place-based audio visual work
Dr Cassandra Tytler is a video artist and researcher with the Centre for People, Place, and Planet at Edith Cowan University. She works within the...
Dr Jo Pollitt
Dr Jo Pollitt is an interdisciplinary artist-scholar with the Centre for People, Place, and Planet at Edith Cowan University working across both the...
Dr Madison Godfrey
Creative writing
Dr Madison Godfrey is a writer, editor, educator, and the author of two books: Dress Rehearsals (Allen & Unwin, JOAN 2023) and How To Be...
Dr Niamh Dell
Contemporary oboe performance
Dr Niamh Dell is an oboist and researcher specialising in complex and virtuosic new music. With a career spanning Australia, the United Kingdom, and...
Elham Eshraghian-Haakansson
Extended reality art
Elham (Ellie) Eshraghian-Haakansson is an Iranian-Australian researcher and video artist. During her Creative Fellowship, she worked with the School...


The Forrest Early-career Creative and Performance Leadership Fellowships are open to candidates of any nationality. Applicants for these fellowships will normally be expected to meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • A track record of proven academic excellence, such as a PhD or first class Honours (or equivalent).
  • Completion of an undergraduate degree (with Honours) within the past eight years (2016 or after), or Masters degree within past five years (2019 or after), or PhD within past two years (2022 or after).
  • Completion of a research component in an Honours, Masters or PhD program within a creative arts/performing arts discipline, or proven practitioner research experience and achievements.
  • A minimum of three years professional experience in the creative arts/performing arts sector. This could be cumulative across a number of professional contracts/appointments.

Indigenous applicants, and projects involving Indigenous participants, are particularly encouraged.

Application process

A completed online application form submitted through the Forrest Foundation website
A Curriculum Vitae (maximum 4 pages)
A list and/or portfolio of publications, exhibitions, performances, and other creative outputs (web links should be provided where appropriate)
Grants and awards list
Contact details for three or four referees (two academic, one professional/artistic, one personal (optional))

Frequently Asked Questions

Click the “Apply” tab on the Forrest Early-career Creative and Performance Leadership Fellowship web page where you will be directed to the applications portal. This link will only be made available when the fellowship round is open.

All applications must be submitted online through the Forrest Research Foundation application portal. If you experience any issues submitting your application through the portal, contact the Forrest Research Foundation here as soon as possible.

The Forrest Early-career Creative and Performance Leadership Fellowship round varies annually, however typically applications open in June and close in August each year. We suggest you subscribe to updates from the Forrest Research Foundation, so that you will receive an alert once applications open.

Applicants are required to provide contact details for three referees (at least one should be related to your artistic practice and a second familiar with your academic skills) – please note that referee reports will most likely be required only if you make the interview stage.

If you choose to nominate personal referees, they should be persons able to comment on personal characteristics and strengths as displayed, for example, in your extra-curricular activities at university, or in your previous employment. Personal referees should not be related to you.

Referees may be contacted directly by the Forrest Research Foundation. Please note that referee reports will most likely be required only if you make the interview stage.

A Forrest Creative and Performing Arts Fellowship may not usually be deferred. The Governors of the Forrest Research Foundation may consider a request for deferral by a successful applicant in extenuating circumstances. You will need to write a letter requesting any deferral directly to the Director of the Forrest Research Foundation, which outlines your specific circumstances, who will then discuss your formal request with the Governors.

There is no “formula” for a successful application. Each application should be about the particular candidate and the proposed research, while ensuring you also address the selection criteria and submit all formal requirements including uploading the documentation.

Remember: we are looking for applicants who are academically excellent, want to be part of our vibrant intellectual community, be curious and have a desire to engage with the public.

As a Forrest Early-career Creative and Performance Leadership Fellow, you will also be expected to show leadership within the Foundation through working with our broader academic community to share your artistic practices and find creative ways to bring your practices together with other researchers at Forrest Hall.

It is a requirement that each applicant contact their proposed mentor to discuss their Forrest Early-career Creative and Performance Leadership Fellowship application and ensure they are willing to mentor you. Applicants who do not have a nominated mentor (or who have not been in contact with their mentor) will not be considered.

The Selection Committee will seek the views of proposed mentors prior to interviewing shortlisted candidates.

Forrest Early-career Creative and Performance Leadership Fellowships are open to both domestic and international applicants.

The Forrest Early-career Creative and Performance Leadership Fellowship Conditions stipulate all the eligibility criteria.

It should be noted that each Western Australian university may have subtle differences and if you have any specific questions, we encourage you to contact their research offices. Contact details for the different research offices can be found here:

Curtin University
Edith Cowan University
Murdoch University
The University of Notre Dame Australia
The University of Western Australia

The Forrest Early-career Creative and Performance Leadership Fellowship Conditions stipulate that to be eligible you must have at least an Honours Degree. What makes our Fellowships different is that a research project must accompany your creative practice.

No. Forrest Early-career Creative and Performance Leadership Fellowships are open to applicants from all disciplines: we have had dancers, performers, writers, visual artists and composers.

Your success will not be determined based on your choice of university or mentor. It is recommended that you nominate your proposed university and mentor based on the research environment and facilities that are most relevant to your proposed fellowship.

Please note that multiple applications will not be considered.

You will find Forrest Hall and the Forrest Research Foundation an inclusive and intellectually stimulating environment. Not only are residents likely to be excited about finding out more about your practice but are always looking for new ways to collaborate – it is one of the incredible aspects of the Foundation.

Please get in touch with Forrest Research Foundation by emailing

Applications will be shortlisted by the universities by the end of September 2024. The Foundation’s selection committee will then complete a further round of shortlisting. Interviews will be in late October and you will know the outcome by the end of October.

Applications open August 2025